I'm starting to get more and more regretful about the RME Fireface 800 audio interface I bought. When it comes to functionality and features I have no complaints. But when it comes to sound quality in the DAC, to tell you the truth I had expected a little more, I mean 1169 euro is in fact pretty much money. I haven't heard any noise in the signal path, but I was not expecting that either. The problem is that what goes in doesn't come out and the difference is significant! When I play on the Yamaha Tyros, for instance the accoustic piano, what I hear is a rich piano that fills the room in a rich reverb. What comes out is a not as rich piano that doesn't fill the room the same way! I must say I had expected a little more, not only that it would be quiet but also would be able to convert the analog signal in a rich and fair way. I have turned off my surround sound system and Yamaha speakers and only played through the Mackie HR824 studio monitors to really hear what the Tyros sounds like and what it sounds like when the signal is going through the audio interface. The difference is remarkable and I'm pretty annoyed about that. I just have to experiment a little more, just to make sure that it's really the audio interface that ruins the dynamics. But in case it is the audio interface it is not a matter of D/A, but rather a matter of A/D.

[This message has been edited by YamahaAndy (edited 05-01-2005).]