Well ok, I must admit, I've only heard the PA on some recordings and played the PSR2000 for a short while.
So I don't know if my opinion counts .
But I wasn't really impressed by the Sweet, Cool and Live voices, But when I compared it head to head with a Ketron, No contest.
Ketron beats the Sweet, Cool 'n Live voices big time.
I don't want to offence anyone, but I think the PSR's sound a bit synthetic, a bit like an ordinary 8 meg wavetable bank you find in a Soundblaster.
But here I must admit again, For $1250 you can get a keyboard with vocal harmonizer, tons of sounds and styles, great display, music finder etc.
I'm looking forward to the release of the PSR2100, With twice (or even more) as much waverom as its predecessor, and more and better styles it sounds like an intresting offer.

Greetz ,