Dreamer: Yes they are beautiful lyrics. I think the mood of the song also reflects the lyrics, although they are not sung.

Thanks DonM for your compliments. Do you think it needs improvement to be on commercial standard? If so, which areas.

STAM, I also find that every time I listen to the track, I'm transported somewhere else! The melody is a Hasidic one from the Chabad group, not sure which country of origin, possibly Russia or Romania.

I find that a lot of these tunes really need to be played outside of a 'click' to do it full justice. Since I was sequencing, I had to use a click, but I wasn't following the bars, because it alternates between 3/4, 4/4 and 5/4. I think the tune isn't really meant to have a 'beat', but it probably is closest to a 3/4.

[This message has been edited by zalmi (edited 11-24-2005).]
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