Hi Oleg,
I'm an OMB user, I actually use a remote computer keyboard to trigger the variations. I stand it up on a music rest & I've marked the keys with the particular functions. One of these days I'm going to see if I can get one of those small numeric key pads to work. Then I only have a dozen or so keys to worry about.
I've just bought an sd1plus and I've got my laptop/omb/softsynth setup.
For me they're each an instrument in their own right.

The SD1's there, ready to play with all it's sounds, styles etc don't need to alter or add a thing if I don't wish to. Press the on switch & play away.
The laptop/omb/softsynth setup is different.
It requires that personal touch. I think we possibly tend to think of it as a defacto software psr. It's not really. We're fortunate in that it can load psr .sty files, but it really is an instrument in it's own right. You can use any sound source you like , provided it accepts program changes, you can use .sty files, you can create styles from midifiles. You can do all sorts of editing.

Even though it may not be as easy to use as a keyboard pressing varition buttons, fills etc etc you're going to find it fairly difficult to edit the styles in a psr , and then get the psr to trigger the correct sounds in something like Bandstand.
Remember the drum mapping is xg based in a psr , it's gm based in bandstand. You may have handclaps where you should be hearing brushes.
If you you really do want to have software based sounds for styles, you really may find it easier to also use a software based arranger and just use the psr as a controller. I found it a bit odd at first, but you do get used to it.

If you just want softsynth for lead voices, you may have half a hope.

best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by oleg7:
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022