I did some more A/B work tonight before I packed up the Ty :
If I played this board live I'd miss:

*the dedicated S/S button for the sequencer
*drum remix during a sequence
*one button fillin/variation
*search for style during seq play

Since I WON'T play it live, I'll enjoy:

*Better key feel
*Better key size
*more keys
*added sounds and polyphony(soon!)
*no tilt screen (Didn't care for it)
*Solid feel all around (case etc)
*XLR mic input
*6 individual outputs
*stereo inputs, even WITH mic useage.
the list goes on, and on .....

Some of the styles really are better in the Ty, and the drum sounds have so much punch and siazzzzzzle, but the keys really are sub-par. I am very disapointed in that aspect of it. At least the Pro SEEEMS to be aimed at the pro player with all the goodies it boasts. The Ty is the best PSR made to date, even though they dropped the name.
It's perfrect for many people .... just not me.
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