Squeak the EXR[s] are not high end arrangers..just the opposite..they are entry level boards..
As for styles ,they are plentiful and available...Style edit on an entry level is overkill..99.9% will never use it..If you need the features you mentioned...you have to go to the "PRO" models[Flagships]..and I'm not talking PSR's..

If price is a factor[$1000]..one would be better served to purchase a used top of the line keyboard..
To mention a few not necessarily in order:
Roland G1000
Ketron X1
Korg i30 or PA80
Roland VA7/76

$500 to spend:
Roland E600
Roland G800
Korg i3
Solton MS100
Roland G600

Get the picture?
All of the boards above are built solid..and will do most of the things you are looking to do..