Dom this is the last post that i wil make because we are going round and round in circles. The unique selling point that the MS has over the likes of the T2 PA1X etc is the fact that you can use the best samples and sounds from external manufacturers on the MS as an arranger right ? So demos of switching styles using gm sounds means nothing to me. You said in your latest video that you used some giga sounds in the styles.Can you tell us what giga sounds were used in the styles you played and which sounds they were playing ie bass, drums, horns etc? were they in your opinion the best giga sounds you could find or were they simply the best that would actually play without latency problems on your MS. Be absolutely clear on this. Is it possible to do the same with VST sounds yes or no ? I could not tell from the recording whether giga or gm sounds were being used, thats not your fault, just the recording. The gm sounds dont matter so much as i dont ever use them but maybe other musicians here do but they would hardly by a MS so that they could play GM sounds in their arrangements would they ?

For anyone else here that might think i am picking on dom. I am not. He is not an ordinary poster. He is here to promote and sell his merchandise. As a potential customer i have a right to press him hard on issues important to me as i dont have acces to demo an MS. If you are happy with the answers you have had great, i am sure Dom is ready and willing to take your orders and i would be happy for Dom to inform me of how many purchases he has had from this board. It would certainly make me feel more confident about a potential purchase myself. But i dont think many people are confident enough to do that just yet. and if anyone here has the courage to purchase an MS as an arranger then please let me know as i will be asking Dom for my commision for making him market the instrument the way he has in this thread !!!!If i am wrong then will the silent owners of he MS please spaek up and tell us what experience you have had using VST, giga etc sounds WITHIN THE STYLES IN LIVE PERFORMANCES. I am not intersted in a studio workstation. For that i would by a controller keyboard for a few hundred pounds and a computer not an MS or PA1X or tyros2,3,or 4 !

I hope i have not been rude to anyone or to Dom and if i have i apologise.


dont quit.......period