Hello everyone,

I thank all the ones responding to my post.

Scottyee, I think most of your questions have been answered by now. I have used SD1 for over 20 gigs so far. It sounds very good. I almost bought a Technics 6500, but it lacked a sampler a hard drive, which were very important for me. In terms of
panel look, display size, and buttons I have never seen anything as beatiful as Technics 6000 or 6500, also sounds are nice too. The operating system in SD1 is not very complicated, it took me about a week or so to learn a lot of things about this keyboard.

Luka, I happen to do what you are doing with the patterns using midi record into the pc. I am using pro9 cakewalk, but it is not convenient and is time consuming, just because me and you have the luxury of having a nice sequencing software and nice sound card doesn't mean everybody else does. These functions are very important for a high end arranger to have. Even a Korg i3 which was made 9 years ago has these features, plus alot more when it comes to patter editing.

Ketron AJ, I am sorry that I forgot to mention that the fixed mode does work, but the rest of them like soft1, soft2, hard1, user1, and so on all feel and sound the same to me. Don't tell me everything else in my keyboard and your keyboard are the same but the velocity curve. As far as the copying function, even if you save your settings while in pattern record mode, as soon as you copy few things between the arrangers you will lose the original instruments.

Roal, yes I know the velocity curve is editable and I have already been there, but sorry to say that it does not work as well.

I thank all you guies again for responding. I am only trying the get the message accross so we could have the best arranger with no flaws, weaknesses, and bugs.