All I need to do is change the drummer. I think in terms of tempos and styles rather than songs or artists.
Registrations would make me think on specific songs, and that would limit my "mental search engine". I stay in better tune with the audience when I am NOT thinking of what song, what style whatever ...... I just think of what type of beat needs to be next, and then decide what I want to sing. Sometimes, I'll even start a rhythm playing, just to "jump start" my brain. I never use set lists, and I've never set up a keyboard with more than just a few basic set-ups. I'm better on the fly, but I would LOVE to be able to register some small changes. I hope they fix this soon. I can definatly benefit from a "little" set-up advantage.
My shows are all about energy. I can't be thinking about the keyboard, or the buttons, or anything else. I look at the crowd and they tell me with their eyes and their actions what to do next. The piano player and bass player(ME) are always ready (and in SYNC!) so- I just need to "cue" the drummer.
It's a simple approach that works well for me.
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