Maybe there is something to the TT rumor. People are not buying the old warmed over technology any more. Especially when they loped out the vocal cords. Soundless wonder. Could be TT (Tyros Two) is being revved up on the production schedule to quell rigor mortis setting in. Roland takes one step forward and two back. Can’t do that for too long before people notice the thing is in reverse. Maybe somebody at Yamaha realizes saddling up the name and riding on that will soon be seen for what is, name without substance. Technology is moving fast today. Wars are being won in weeks, not months or years. The people who don’t keep up fall back. So Bob, is this a world wide Tyros shortage or a mid production adjustment to catch up to the times? What do ya think? Outsold twenty to one? Not good.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug