
"IMHO I would not buy a new PC or laptop until February 2007. Microsoft is on the verge of releasing Vista, it's new operating system. In the processor department I would not purchase a P4 processor. I'd lean toward a Interl Core 2 Duo"

Microsoft is going to offer free upgrades on PC's in the comming Xmas season. I did several installs and found it best to do a clean install instead of a upgrade.

I'm running Vista on a P4 3.4 HT and it runs pretty quick. The one place you want to be sure about is a lot of memory and a fast graphics card. I couldn't get the Eforce 6200 card to run with my rig so I put a ATI 1300 pro in and it runs like a champ.

Vista has lots of eye cand and its pretty darn Impressive.
