hey all! i had a brainhurricane. my amp was out of commission, and i had no idea how i was supposed to get the crowd to hear me. i was playing at a fancy pants dinner sunday night and it was really important that everything sound good. so in the banquet hall i noticed that they had about 30 speakers in the ceiling, and as everyone knows, if you have a lot of small speakers, you can get just as good sound as a few big ones. so i got a 3-pin microphone to 1/4 inch adapter and i try it out, and viola! it sounds great! the bass is bright and clear and the highs are nice and crisp! and it was so so much nicer because instead of it being very loud from one point so that it deafens half the hall and the other half cant hear it, it was coming softly from above so that everyone could hear equally and no one was deafened! wow! EVERYONE was commenting on how good it sounded. i got SO many tips... :-) so thats my story! wanted to share my joy. TTFN! Zack