Jose' : Thanks for keeping us updated with the lastest in your music world, as well as posting the great wedding shots. You all look like you were having a wonderful time. Thrilled to hear that you're playing 'live' with other musicians in addition to solo arranger keyboard playing. It's important that as arranger keyboard players, that we don't lose site of the added pleasure and greater rewards that playing with other musicians offers. Performing with other musicians provides an opportunity for musical growth in ways that you just can't attain when performing alone so I do cherish every opportunity of performing with REAL musicians.

Congratulations on both your new Motion Sound KP-200S and Yamaha AX-7. I've been intrigued over getting an AX-7 myself because of the mobility it offers to allow you to move freely about on stage as well as get out into the audience. I was curious to find out if it's possible to go 'cord less' with the AX-7 to allow even freer mobility without wires.
The AX-7 comes in either black or red, right? I'm curious which color you have . How many octaves does the AX-7 include? As the AX-7 is held in typical guitar playing position with the left hand holding the neck, how does one play in split mode and activate the chord changes as well as melody, with only one hand available to play the keyboard? Jose': It would be great to see a pic of you performing on your beautiful new AX-7 axe.

In response to your interest in purchasing another high end arranger, I can only add my 2 cents and say that I think the Tyros or 9000pro (if you have to have 76 keys) would be excellent choice choices.

I trust things are going well with your jazz keyboard studies as well. Look forward to hearing your latest music (songs) as well.

