Hi all,

Well it has all been getting a bit too serious around here of late! Hopefully we can get back to having fun and enjoying each others friendship now?

Anyway, the other day I was sat playing my keyboard and serenading my dog (Princess Fanny) with an earsplitting version of 'Let me try again'. The normally affectionate animal started to show me her teeth and I don't think she was trying to sing (Bad dog)

Despondent and dejected I thought to myself "Why can't I sing it like Donny Pesce?" If you have not heard Donny sing it he has a version of the song on his site www.donnypesce.com

One thing led to another and resulted in this light hearted ditty which made me laugh out loud whilst I was writing it. I hope it makes you smile and remember why we are all here.

Donny, don't be too mad my friend. I hope you don't mind my little tribute song Now how about giving me some free singing lessons

Well here it is "Why Can't I Sing Like Donny Pesce?" (only 1.9 mb) ......

In fun and friendship