You can assign each of the two inputs to about 24 different functions for a footswitch or expression pedal.

I'm selling one of my midi sustain units. I bought it for $100 from a fellow in Ireland. I have never used it. I'm selling it for $75.

It is light, about 30% bigger in size than the Yamaha PA-300 power adapter that comes with the PSR3000/2100/2000.

It's got one 1/4" input and one midi output. It runs on one 9 volt that lasts about 80 hrs. LED turns on when you plug in a 1/4" footswitch. Turns off when you remove it.

Once you set up a Yamaha to receive a message on midi channel one, you never have to do another thing with it.

I have one that I've been using for about two years. Problem free. I bought another one for backup, but now I have a midi solutions programmable unit that works just as good. The midi solutions footswitch controller goes for $99.

If anyone's interested, they can contact me.
