
I use approximately 45 Yamaha styles in my PA80, with probably 20 of those coming from the Tyros and the rest mainly from either the 2000 or the 740, along with one from the 8000 and one from the 9k.

I also have a handful ( 8 perhaps ) from the G1000 and I think one or two each from the KN7000, SD1 and Band in a Box. There are also a half dozen or so I made from scratch.

They all reside in the internal banks of the PA80.. 40 of them in the user slots and the remainder in the PA80's internal style slots ( remember any style can be overwritten on the PA series boards ). I usually keep the other 8 user slots free so that I can create new styles / phrases or modify existing styles.

I converted all of them myself manually and tweaked them to get as good a sound as possible using the PA80's panel ( non GM ) voices and effects settings.

I use a floppy disk that stays with the PA80 at all times for 48 more of Korg's own user and free add on styles.
