This thread can be a place for people interested in our Tyros Group Purchase to post their comments (IF PEOPLE WHO HAVE BOUGHT THRU THE TYROS GROUP PURCHASE PROGRAMME READ THIS AND LEAVE COMMENTS OF ENDORSEMENT THAT WOULD BE HELPFUL!).

In response to an email from Lauren (see below), yes I moderate two Yamaha PSR Groups. We have a PSR Styles Group (nearly 3,500 members in over 50 countries !!!!) where you can have access to MANY THOUSANDS OF FREE STYLES for your PSR and Tyros.

Do please come and join us! Membership is free and it is easy to log in. You'll make many many new friends who share your musical interest in Yamaha Arranger Keyboards, and there is a wealth of information there for you as well.

We also have a separate Yamaha PSR Songs Group, where nearly 2,000 owners share songs they've created with their PSR's and Tyros. It is a lot of fun!

Now, here is a repeat of the information I provided in February (2003) with details for the Tyros Group Purchase. We have had many purchases thru the ongoing programme, and all of the transactions have gone thru very smoothly. Our buyers are happy campers! If you happen to be reading this months from now, rest assured that the programme continues and you can contact me ( and still make your purchase.




Dear Friends,

Because of the delays in the USA release of the Tyros, the West Coast shipping strike, the peak Christmas buying season, etc., this process has taken much longer than I would have imagined. On the other hand, now that Tyros has been "out there" for a while, we potential buyers have much more information concerning the synth and whether we'd be interested in actually buying one. I know that some of you who may be receiving this have already purchased your Tyros. Regardless, please feel free to pass this email along to any friends who you feel might be interested....

While the price(s) I was able to secure are less than I believe most of you will find on your own, frankly, they are not as deeply discounted as I would have imagined at the outset of this endeavour.... Considering all the work it took to do all of this "shopping", I doubt that I would repeat the process in the future....


If you want to buy your Tyros thru the Group Purchase you will get a USA Warranty. The NEW Tyros (USA model) will come from a USA dealer. There will be no tax on the purchase (except for a very very few of you). I did not look for a deal where shipping was included in the price because I did not think that fair between people located closer or further from the point of sale. For most of you the shipping (from the Mid-West USA) costs will be quite small. Tyros is not heavy. You may purchase with us if you are not in the USA (but you will have to consider increased shipping cost, lack of Warranty from your locale, and possible Customs Duties).

You may wish to purchase one or more of these items. There is no further "package" discount. The transaction will be between you and an authorized USA Yamaha dealer. You will be purchasing with your credit card, so you can feel comfortable that this transaction will go smoothly with no unexpected "surprises". There is no "time limit" on when you need to get back to me. Think it over. Please do not reply unless you wish to buy your Tyros now, at the prices below indicated. Of course, these same prices may not apply many months from now.

If you want to buy at these prices now thru our Group Purchase you will need to reply to this email providing me with the following information:

1. Your NAME and mailing ADDRESS for shipment.


3. Tell me which items you want.

HERE ARE THE PRICES (all in US dollars):

TYROS: $2,300.

TRSMS01 (Tyros matching Speakers/subwoofer): $139.

L7-S Matching Stand for Tyros: $175.

TCTYROS Hard Case for Tyros: $310.

I look forward to hearing from those of you who wish to purchase your Tyros, with or without any of the listed accessories, in the near future.


Bob Gelman

Hello Bob! I understand that you moderate a keyboard forum...which
one is that? I also wanted to tell you that I heard the song you
directed on the Tyros achives..."Hi Tech Music" was a riot!
I told Simon that a lot of people could relate to the was
a really fun song! I want you to know that I am encouraging members
who ask me about Tyros purchase to contact you for your group
rate...I think it is an excellent deal! If I were to buy a Tyros
all over again I would most definitely contact you!

Kind Regards,

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Admin Group

Joined: January 25 2003
Location: Wales
Posts: 69 Posted: March 22 2003 at 11:36am - IP Logged


Dear members,

I'd just like to add my endorsement here as moderator. I have known Bob Gelman for a number of years, he's not just a very highly respected keyboard enthusiast and great moderator of the first and highly successful yamaha-psr-songs and yamaha-psr-styles groups, but a well respected attorney too! Bob has done a commendable job on establishing a community of yamaha arranger enthusiasts, provided continual music input and advice/assistance to ALL the groups and helped me out personally on many occassions with honest advice and kindness. Although I have not personally purchased a tyros from Bob (I live in the UK!) I would recommend anyone to consider this great deal without haste, I am sure that those who have already received their tyros keyboards will agree.

Simon Williams
SVPworld BBS moderator

Joined: March 11 2003
Location: Aruba
Posts: 2 Posted: March 22 2003 at 3:37pm - IP Logged


I would like to thanks Bob for aranging this group purchase and can recommend every potential Tyros buyer to join. I did receive my Tyros exactly one week after ordering which -I can asure you- is very fast for shipping all the way to Aruba ! It was delivered at my door in perfect condition and I'm having a great time now exploring all the features and everything :-)

So if you're in for a from Bob ! Best deal on this planet !! One email is all that it takes....!


John Frings,


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Joined: March 22 2003
Location: United States
Posts: 1 Posted: March 22 2003 at 7:50pm - IP Logged


I am the proud owner of a new TYROS thanks to Bob Gelmans group purchase. My Tyros came within a week When it arrived it was in good order and the next week, I received my speakers. Both the speakers and the TYROS came in great condition.

The Hard Drive that I ordered from Vince Cochran was also received very quickly also and it was easy to install. When the hard drive was installed in the TYROS it worked right after it was installed with out any problem. It is great having a hard drive and a nice size led that I don't think any other keyboard can match. I have brought 3 keyboards this is my third and it really was best transaction I made. I really am grateful that Bob did the group buy and I would like to personally thank him for setting up the deal.

The TYROS in my opinion is a great keyboard and I really am extremely pleased with it and am really happy that I bought a TYROS.

Thanks again Bob Gelman.


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Joined: March 10 2003
Location: United States
Posts: 1 Posted: March 23 2003 at 12:44pm - IP Logged


The owner of the keyboard store where I have purchased all my other keyboards was flabbergasted when I told him the price of a Tyros through Bob's TYROS GROUP PURCHASE, saying he couldn't buy it himself for much less than that. Said I'd be crazy not to take advantage of this, so with his blessing, I emailed Bob.

My Tyros and speakers arrived safe and sound only four business days after I ordered! This is definitely the way to go for anyone who is thinking of buying. I ordered a 20 gig HD from Vince Cochran a couple days later and am expecting it tomorrow.

Not only am I thrilled with this phenomenal piece of musical equipment, but the process itself has been smooooooth and very pleasant. What a wonderful service this is to us! (I understand Bob is an attorney. Now I take back every bad lawyer joke I've ever told or laughed at. He has redeemed the whole profession, far as I'm concerned!)

Still grinning,

Paula Holtz

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Joined: March 19 2003
Location: United States
Posts: 5 Posted: March 23 2003 at 9:45pm - IP Logged


i would like more information on the hard drive available from Vince...along with any information about different hard drive options Thanks

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Joined: March 09 2003
Location: United States
Posts: 38 Posted: March 23 2003 at 11:15pm - IP Logged


I concur that Bob Gelman's Group Purchase setup is probably the BEST legitimate Tyros DEAL (in the US) you'll find out there right now. I originally was going to go with Bob's Group purchase myself, but my impatience desire to own a Tyros well before Xmas 02 drove me to be willing to pay $150 more. Oh well, I feel I certainly got a LOT more than $150 worth of pleasure out of the Tyros between the time I purchased mine and when Bob's $2300 deal became a reality.

Interesting paradox is that though Bob and I live less than 15 miles apart, we've never met. Bob, now that we're BOTH Tyros owners, this might be a good excuse for us to get together.

Scott Yee,
San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
Yamaha Tyros & PSR2000

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Joined: March 09 2003
Location: United States
Posts: 4 Posted: March 24 2003 at 7:12am - IP Logged


Thanks for the invite Scott! Well, actually, I don't have a Tyros myself (yet) ! I'm using the 9000, which is only a year old and which I'm still feeling is my "new" PSR. I used a 630 for ~6 years prior to the 9k.

As mentioned previously, I know we lost a lot of potential buyers because I was unable to participate in the initial "rush" to buy the first released Tyros's. But I couldn't really shop the price around until Tyros was actually released, and that release was delayed more than any of us expected.... $150 isn't even one night's gig, so it certainly isn't anything to lose sleep about!

