Hi Scott

Its obvious to me that you are doing Ketron and the rest of us (as well as yourself) a favor by bringing rootless chord voicings to our attention. I have learned more about music from you and I think your lobbying will be effective in getting rootless chord voicing more widely recognized.

It makes sense anyway. If I want to finger an Fmaj7 with three fingers, I can use F-A-E (implying the 5th). There is no need to use F-C-E for Fmaj7 as well. Might as well use it for something else (like Dm7(9)).

I think the 9000Pro will be replaced within two years. The investment in it has not been that great, since it basically uses the PSR-9000 engine and the EX-5 form factor. George has said the PSR-10k will come out this November. It will have attractive features not on the 9000Pro. This will mean the lower ranking keyboard will be better in many respects than the higher ranking keyboard. This situation cannot be tolerated very long. I guess we are less than two years from the 10kPro.