Donny: As I stated above, I too agree with you that the styles sound pretty similar (SAME?) to what I hear on my PSR2000 as well. It's those new 'mega voices' which bring new spark & realism to the guitar & bass parts, but . . .

the BIG DISAPPOINTING thing I discovered, listening to the Tyros demos, is that the Tyros appears to be MISSING the terrific life like SAX & TRUMPET sounds I've grown to enjoy on the PSR2000/9000. Yamaha appears to have replaced the Tyros SAX & TRUMPET sounds with weak and thin disappointing replacements. This is most apparent on "I've Got You Under My Skin" where the sax 'fills' sound like a sick duck sqwaking, and the horns lack any spark or realism whatsoever.

It seems that Yamaha took a BIG step forward with the impressive Mega Voices (guitars, strings), but then fell BACKWARD again with the terribly unimpressive horns & woodwinds. Anyone else notice this?