I was just thinking about this as I looked over my PSR2000 for one last time before mailing it out to it's new owner ( DNJ ). If only the key feel had been better, it would still be sitting here. There are a lot of things I liked about it, and I'll miss the yamaha styles.

I'd like the Tyros. It "feels" fine, key size and all. I would like it better if Yamaha made a 2100 with the same keys as the Tyros, or the Tyros with speakers in it. Ultimately, I can't have that, so my studio no longer includes a Yamaha arranger, although if I really wanted another one and had to make a choice, I would rather have the Tyros and could live with no speakers than have a 2000 / 2100. Maybe the next Yamaha arranger will make me happy. Maybe not. We'll see....
