The Dell would probably do everything you want and more. But I would consider looking at the next in line, as it probably has a few toys you'll want later. You definitely want multiple USB2 slots and Firewire. You'll probably have to buy an after-market interface(I have an Audio-M for sale)to get all the sound into the computer. I'm sure the Dell has a high end sound card, but make sure, as that will be very important.

Taxes should not be a problem, unless you are buying from their business store. Shipping will be about $75, they'll tel you. Dells are great. Did you know that they have different sites, or stores, where you can purchase ALMOST the same machine for ALMOST the same $$$. There is a small business store, the school store and the consumer store. All three offer approximately the same machine with different FREE peripherals and stuff. Check them all. Check the word processor bundle, they have been loading something other than OfficeXP. Unless you are completely paranoid, the extended warranty is not always a good deal. Most electronics either go quickly or last forever - maybe buy another yr., but not 3 or 4. Their tech support is usually very good. In all, you should be able to get that $500 computer for about $600-650.

Also, there are extra discounts available on the net, LOOK around, there are sites that have extra coupons available (if I find the link, I'll send another post.) Dell sometimes has packages for certain computers, check them out because they are cheaper than buying the items individually. Lastly, consider your net connectin. If it's not regular 56k modem, make sure the computereither has an ethernet card an/or wireless connections.

[This message has been edited by cassp (edited 11-12-2003).]
Riding on the Avenue of Time