Hi Paul,
Sure you can use one of my many many many names!

To be hundred percent honest it wasn't seller's location that made me suspicious. I mean I bought stuff from China before and I had no problems. by the same token I bought stuff from the US and had problems with that. Just shows that seller's location isn't everything. At least according to my experience.

In this particular case the seller couldn't even communicate right. Didn't answer any of my questions with enough detail. Couldn't even provide a serial number. Price also seemed unreal (mind you I bought stuff on eBay at super super super low prices. Mostly from sellers who didn't know that they were selling something worth more than what they wanted for it. Of coarse I couldn't help but take advantage of that! ).

It was a no brainer actually. I just wanted to run it by you anyway. Hey, thanks for the PrePal link there!
I was going to ask you about it actually but it's as if you read my mind.



A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde