Without any personal interest I can only advise you take up George's offer and get in touch about the MS100. The Solton MS100 is a fine keyboard, I think it first hit the marktet in 1996 or thereabouts and is an
extended version of the MS50/60 series. Though obviously not as good as the X1, let alone the SD-1, it is a supremely good way,
and economic way of getting familiar with the Solton keyboards. The drums are great,
(in particular the way you can change the drummapping at the touch of a button while a
style is running), bass is okay and some of the sounds are super. (blow sax, musette,
flute!!! and the best clarinet that I have ever heard on any keyboard.) On the other hand the acoustic piano is fairly lousy....
And I believe the harddisk is standard.
I have hundreds of Styles for the SoltonMS
so should you get it just get in touch.
P.S. in Holland you pick up a used MS100 for
about the equivalent of 1500 bucks. Good Luck!