Thank you Chico & Larry for your response!

I should known That the voice & mike setting had nothing to do with the styles. The overall settings have to be set to a reg. memory.
Larry I just adjusted the track volumes,it worked fine. Thats what throwed me, I had did this before,then all at once it quit working! It was because I was trying to set all those volums at the same time!
I have a lot of the styles where you added OTS is it hard to do? I need to learn how to do that, & to edit OTS to change it.
To me this Manual is next to worthless.

Now some that are into CP'S & digital electronics will understand easer. When I got out of electronics they still used a lot of the single transistors. Now they put whole thing on a few chips! Sorry didn't mean to get away from the subject!

If there's any advice you could give me toward creating OTS & editing it would be great!
All the best,
PS: To any who would want ad to this subject
I have PSR-2000. Thank you!
