Donny, jazz is an acquired taste. Kids in Jimmy Smith's heyday didn't have 45's of his music, either.

There is a small, very loyal base of jazz fans, and that includes younger people.

Foreplay (not traditional straight ahead jazz) sells 500,000 of each of their albums. You probably wouldn't expect to see Mp-3's of their music anywhere, either. And you're probably not "blown away" with their music (I am).

Sometimes the line between music and entertainment involving music is blurred. You are an entertainer first. Others are musicians, with no abiolity to, or interest in entertaining. It's a small (and poor) group, but, thankfully, it exists and helps perpetuate an art form that's a real American treasure.

It "ain't Buffet" (which I absolutely refuse to play), but has an honored place in music history for a fiercly loyal fan base.
