For my pro gigs, I make it a point to never bring on new musicians unless:

1) I've had the opportunity to audition and hear them play with a band (group) before.

2) I've rehearsed with them.

3) I've received an unequivical 'thumbs up' re their musicship from a fellow respected musician associate.

Both the range & idea of what constitutes good musicianship means different things to different people. Some people sound good playing by themselves only, but sound terrible when playing in a group. Arranger keyboard players have the unique opportunity to develop the 'timing' skills required for playing in a band (group) situation. Unforutnately many other solo musicians never get that kind of exposure.

In arranger keyboard playing, the auto accomp's BASS & DRUMS parts supply the rhythm section's core foundation in which all other instruments (LIVE musicians) must LOCK in with. Some people mistakenly believe the drummer is the leader of the rhythm section, but this is incorrect. It's in fact the Bass player's job (not the drummer's) to lead the rhythm section, with the other rhythm section instruments (drummer, perccussionist, keyboard rhythm section player) to lock in with the Bass line.

This being said, when picking up musicians for my arranger kb gigs, I prefer to hire non rhythm section instrument musicians: sax, flute, brass, guitar, female vocalist.
