Well I currently use - not an UPS per se, but a Powerboard with filters, and anti surge protection (one of those big, serious expensive boards - cost me nearly $300 Aud).

I thought a UPS would be too big/costly etc?

I take your point with a laptop setup, but I honestly find them (still) to be too unreliable. I'm happy to rely on one great keyboard that does it all, and an MP3 player (hell, I currently rely on - and have done so for 5 years - a minidisc for sequence playback, and a good old portable CD player for break music.

It's funny, our show IS energetic, and sounds great, but "back of house" I'm still in the dark ages.....!

I guess I'm looking VERY seriously at the PAX-1 to provide everything (with the MP3 and sampling options).....

Forgive me if I sound like a ninny here, but, whilst I have a kick arse computer at home, I plan to use that ONLY at home as the heart of my studio - and really only for recording the keyboard, some live guitar and of course vocals.

It seems that the keyboard sounds more natural (mainly with all the velocity switching - drums etc) I've never like the GM sounds on a PC, and am not smart enough to deal with software instruments.

To be blunt, PC's (live or in the studio) seem to be a 'guitarists thing".

As I am a professional keyboard player, I feel MUCH more confortable editing, playing and recording everything "inside the board".
Then let the PC record all that hard work!

Know what I mean?

Silly maybe.....
God I hate signatures.

