This is a none technical, simple method to use the X5-DR and avoid GM sound.

I have found that by using MOTU Digital Performer which allows both midi and digital audio record/play back in the same window I can keep adding a midi track which is either program bank A or combi, then feed the X5-DR's output back into the Mac and record the signal on a stereo audio track in the same window that's playing the midi track. Now I have both a midi and digital audio track which are identical. Now switch off the midi track and listen to the audio while making the next midi track with either combi or program bank A. Keep repeating and build up a multi-track performance with unlimited stereo tracks all using full combi or program bank A sounds (not general midi). The finished piece can be mixed, panned or have any number of effects added in 'post' using the power of Digital Performer. All done with the excellent X5-DR.