Originally posted by claudiu:
..and i log in, and post things that i want to know about and i don't get answers very quickly...

Claudiu, I just realized that there may be a very simple explanation as to why you aren't seeing some replies as quickly as you'd like; it's possibly due to the Earth's rotation .

Seriously, central Europe is 7 hours "ahead" of the US east coast, and it's 10 hours when compared to the US west. If you should post one of your questions when you first wake up, it could be 7-10 hours for those of us "over here" to see your message, even if we log onto SZ when we first get up.

I know that not all members are in the US, but maybe this accounts for some of the delayed response.

Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.