Hi Dirk, congratulations on purchasing a Korg PA1X Pro of your 'VERY Own'. Hopefuly this should now finally free up that floor model PA1XPro unit sitting in your music store so other 'actual customers' can finally have a chance to play on it. Kidding aside, I'm really looking forward to hearing what you do on the PA1XPro, and anticipate nothing but the best music (coming from you).

I myself had the opportunity to audition the PA1XPro (on several occasions) and was super impressed with both its sounds & styles as well as nice 76 note KB feel. I was also impressed with it's relatively slim design, convenient for transport. In fact, the ONLY reason I'm passing on it is because it lacks jazz (rootless style) chord recognition. This is truly a missed opportunity on Korg's part as rootless jazz chord recognition would attract more professional jazz keyboards players to the PA1XPro, & subsequently to arranger keyboards in general.

Dirk, realizing you're a jazz piano player yourself, and because you helped me to get rootless chord voicings implemented on the Ketron SD1, I'm hoping that you might be able to convince Korg to add this to the Korg PA1X/PA1XPro as well. If interested, I'll provide you a COMPLETE list of the rootless chords which would greatly benefit from being added to the PA1Xpro's chord recogntion table.

When Korg finally decides to add rootless chord recognition to the PA1X/PA1xPro via an OS update, I'll then SERIOUSLY consider purchasing one too.

Dirk, In the meantime, have fun with your new keyboard.
