The price of the new Roland is:
590 Euros = $691.47 U.S. or $925.62 Cdn.
That's using a conversion utility, actual landed cost might be different. Looks like it might be priced between the PSR550 and PSR1100. Clever. Going head-to-head with Yamaha would be challenging for Roland. Still, I'm looking forward to demoing this keyboard. I would expect the Pianos and organs to be good on this unit. I'm very happy with the acoustic piano and organs on my Roland EM20 keyboard, but the Yamaha gets the nod on electric pianos.
OT. I'm concerned that Roland is not discontinueing the EM55. I am hoping the the EXR-5 is superior to the EM55 (even though the EM55 is more expensive) as I was not impressed with the EM55. If Roland thinks the EM55 is a better quality keyboard then the EXR-5, and if I agree, then it won't be one of my xmas gifts.
I play Roland EM20 and Yamaha PSR550