I bought Technics keyboards for 13 years. Whenever I order the new model I would hope that the improvements would warrant the expenditure, I found that I was never disappointed there were enough improvement to keep me happy. As I looked at the big picture I did not have a steep learning curve, I could spend more time playing. Each time a new keyboard came my knowledge of a Technics keyboard grew, I did not have to the basics, so I went into the depth of the keyboard.

With the ending of new Technics keyboards I have decided to move to Yamaha. Are they the best, no it’s not about that. Do they have the best sounds and styles? No it’s not about that, it’s about long term. It’s about being satisfied over a period of time. Yamaha has made nice improvement over the years and I feel there will be no disappointment.

If I wish to enter the land of disappointment then I venture to other brands of keyboards that are better in some areas and not as good as in others. The subject then becomes comparing and relearning – and not my original thought, playing music.

There is joy in getting a new different keyboard, I almost bought a Pa800, but in my case I looked at the complete package and decided that Yamaha over a period of time will keep me happy.

When jobs were plentiful and I was riding high I wanted the best – I needed the best, the money was being made and I could afford the best. Now the best is no longer the best for me, the best is the keyboard that will cover all my needs which have changed.

Only my opinion – a new S900 will be here in a few days.
John C.