Originally posted by Scottyee:
The BOTTOM LINE in the corporate world is profits. Whatever they can get away with to drive up profit & sales, they'll do. It's up to us the consumer to determine whether it's worth it (to us) to UPGRADE to the next model (yet) or not. Hardware & software Manufacters are banking their products on built in obsolescence. Only when sales drop will the keyboard manufacters only bring out new models when significant feature advancements are made. Power to the people. We drive the market. - Scott

I would agree with this but my Yamaha 9000 Pro is the exception - there is no "upgrade" and Yamaha has been almost adamant in not producing a "Tyros Pro" to make up for this... yet. And the funny thing is that since the 9000 Pro accepts PLG expansion cards but the Tyros doesn't we are in a unique situation: I have already pre-ordered one of the new PLG150-AP acoustic piano expansion cards which Yamaha claims has their latest/greatest grand piano samples - so my obsolete 9000 Pro will soon have the top-of-the-line triple-strike piano sounds from Yamaha and the current flagship Tyros won't. So much for built-in obsolescence! This makes a discontinued keyboard model more desireable than the current model for some users like me. I don't know what marketing genius dreamed that scenerio up but the only way Yamaha can counter that blunder is by releasing a Tyros Pro that accepts PLG cards.

Heh heh...
Jim Eshleman