Originally posted by travlin'easy:
Of course that's the case--what did you expect?
You're yelling at the wrong guy. I never said I expected anything. I replied to people who said it made any difference to convert MP3 to WAV.
AS for posting 64kbs MP3s, why not. You can jack up the rate as far as you want, but they're still compressed files. Fortunately, the vast majority of the folks listening to them will not hear the difference, and most don't care what the rate is as long as it sounds good to them.
I don't understand how someone who spends lots and lots of time finding that perfect sounding arranger, will ever settle for 64 kbps. I never make MP3's (if I ever make them) below 192 kbps. You might as well buy an old AM-radio in a garage-sale if you think 64 kbps is good enough...

Roland EXR-5 user - http://www.exr5.tk
Happy owner of a Roland E-80 V2