Hi everyone.

I just purchased a Yamaha PSR2000. I checked the OS version and it came with version 1.10 not the 1.20. It was the only one the store had left.

So far I like the board a lot. The sounds are great! I know I will have a lot of fun with this board and learning to use it.

I have one problem though. When I first hooked it up and turned it on. The Yamaha logo got "stuck" and nothing else came on. I turned it back off and the on and it came back ok. I then turned it off and on several times yesterday and it was fine. This morning, it did it again. I had to turn it off and on once to get it to "boot". Has anyone else run into this. Is no biggie but I wonder if it is just an occasional hicup or I should return it.

The second thing that I haven't been able to do is to "store" my pedal preferences into a Registration. I have 2 Pedals, one for sustain and the other for pitch control. Both are negative polarity. When I turn off the PSR, I lose the configuaration. I tried using the Registrations but I must be doing something wrong because it doesn't save the pedal settings.

Can anyone help?

