Hi Frank,

I'll happily discuss my Polysix but it might not be the kind of chat you're looking for. I need HELP!!

I just picked up a P6 which seems to be in great shape. I opened her up, the battery looked new, she powers up, etc.

But I can't get any sound out of her.

I'm thinking maybe the sounds drained out if it was unused for a long time and the battery died? Is that possible? If so, I guess my first step should be to reprogram it.

Does this make sense? Are you interested in guiding me through this?

I'm dying to hear what this baby can do. I also bought an old M1R and that makes great sounds, but I'd like the keyboard.

Once I figure out which one I'm keeping I'll probably sell the other, cause I'm not a rich man.

Thanks for your time,
