As a happy & satisfied 2-1/2 vetran of Tyros 1, it seems a natural progression for me now to upgrade to Tyros2, especially considering Yamaha's announced new feature improvements: particularly Yamaha's keyboard key feel/build improvments, more (and now playable) mega-voices & expanded voices (400 vs 300), and an even better built in vocal harmonizer. I'd (of course) appreciate 76 keys to gain the ability to play SOLO style piano, but ONLY if Yamaha could package it within the 'dimensions of the existing Tyros case, and I doubted all along that Yamaha was willing to do that. Frankly though, for strictly 'auto-accomp' style playing, 61 keys is perfectly adequate (at least for me), as setting the keyboard's split-point at F#2 provides an octave and a half for triggering full chords (including rootless jazz style), and allowing adequate room for nice chord voicing progressions with smooth voice leading, while leaving 3-1/2 octaves for right hand melodies & soloing, which is only 1/2 octave less than the 4 octave right hand 'real estate' available on an 88 note Grand Piano (from middle C to the top of the keyboard). As a professional musician-entertainer that highly appreciates keyboard light weight a shorter KB length for its ease of transport, I'm quite willing to sacrifice 76 keys for the light 27 lb(?) weight only a 61 kb can provide.

Hi Roel, was there any mention (at the Yamaha demo) of what the new Tyros2 "USER Memory" Storage capacity will be, or of any Music Finder new feature enhancements?

As I've mentioned on this forum (on several occasion) and requested (via email) to Yamaha as well, here are what I feel, IMPORTANT feature improvements I'd like to see included on Tyros 2:

1) Ability for a MFD record to call up a Registration Bank File. Since 'key transpose', 'split point', and countless other song setup settings are already stored in Registration, linking this to a MFD song record would greatly enhance the power of the MusicFinder.

2) Substantially increase Tyros2 USER Memory Storage capacity. Currently, total Tyros 1 USER Memory is only 3.3 MB. Expanding this to 10 or even 20 MB would be pretty inexpensive (flash memory is really cheap these days, right?), and would allow one to utilize MANY more custom USER Styles when performing songs via Music Finder.

I've auditioned the Roland G70 & Korg PA1XPro, and though both of these include unique advantages (Korg has really impressive fresh sounding styles & the G70 the best keyboard feel), the portability (smaller size & much lighter weight) of Tyros 2, its user friendly navigation, wide range of live performance usable outstanding styles & sounds, along with, I believe, a substantially lower price point (I can't find a G70 going for much less than $4500 here in my area) make the Tyros2 the more attractive upgrade option (for me). As far as the Tyros 2's looks, what it sounds like and it's playability is what matter to me, and if it's priced similarly (calculating in inflation of course) to what the Tyros1 went for ($2400 street price) when it was first introduced, then it seems to me to be a good upgrade investment. In the meantime, my Tyros 1 continues to delivers the goods & satisfy both me and my audience.
