
I sold my T3 a long time ago, but kept the disk copies of songs that I programmed on it.
However, I failed to open it to look at the content from a software sequencer(Logic-Platinum). It's T3 not standard MIDI file?

What options do I have?

Thank you in advance.


Originally posted by Roberto Saralegui:
Hi, all

I've got a T3 and I'd like to upgrade it to a T3-EX. That is very simple (just soldering RAM chips) if I know which RAM chips the T1 / T2 or T3-EX have installed.

Please, if some of you is willing to help, e-mail me at robertico@europe.com and we can talk about it.

Additionally, I'd like to know if some of you would be interested in a program which I am designing which would be able to:
- Convert SMF midi files to send them via Sysex to the T1/2/3 sequencer memory.
- Use the 'pattern' possibility, that is, to find patterns in the song.
- To manage different songs and have a database to 'build' groups of songs, suitable for performances.

Is any of you interested?