I cannot remember exactly how the organs sounded in the 2000 anymore but I remember at the time thinking that they were pretty close to the ones in the Motif workstation that I replaced it with. I don't like the ones in the Motif very much vs their counterparts on the PA80. Organ is a very big staple sound for me and I use it a lot when I play live with my guitar player. I need a good organ sound, and this is one of a few reasons I'd be reluctant to part with my PA80 if I get the 2100 or I get the Tyros, unless the organ sounds are vastly improved. Squeak, I thought the organ sounds were much better on the MZ than the 740. In fact, other than that velo sax and the one excellent overdrive guitar patch that I like on the MZ, the appeal for me was the organs. I rmemeber demoing it by playing KarnEvil 9 from ELP over and over on it. That's what sold me on the MZ..lol
