
I think what you described is basically the same thing - I just didn't know if working between styles A and B alone would cause you to lose something you didn't want to. Only in that case would you have to use a third style (X) to avoid too much disruption in one of the others. Your way is very direct but I would have thought that copying between styles would allow you a choice of destinations in any of the 4 variations

PS - heard anything new about genesys?? I am really hoping to see something in the OS which would vary the tempo track just ever so slightly up and down to create a sense of not being quite so rigidly locked in. I discovered quite by accident when looking at the tempo track of an onboard song demo in my Roland FP-3 - that they varied the tempo up and down a beat or two during the course of the song - quite interesting - and very natural sounding.

Mike H