Hi Donny,
"Real Drums".
Being able to substitute midi drums with audio loops of live drummers.
ie PG have created 5 volumes of " Real Drums" to date ie
Jazz , Rock, Pop, Latin etcetc
They haven't covered all genres as yet , but they're obviously going to keep expanding on the library, & the library works with BIAB20007 & PT12.

The Real Drums feature first cropped up in BIAB2007 last year. Initially there were 3 Real Drum volumes. It allowed you to substitute the rather boring BIAB midi drum rythms with "Real Drum" loops ( I beleive time stretching is involved).

The feature has now been expanded to PT 12, plus there's 2 additional Real Drum volumes.
(If you are considering upgrading, check out the deals, it's much cheaper buying the Real Drums as part of a deal than to buy them individually, the product can be posted or is also downloadable on line, but be warned the Real Drum Audio files run into gigabytes for the whole set of 5. Each of the dozen or so downloads can be as large as 200mb's each)

The Audio Chord Wizard function sounds pretty amazing. It analyzes chords in an audio file Mp3's, Wav etc
Can't really comment on the function because I don't use mp3's.

Another function which I will use, is the ability to split a midi drum track into individual tracks ie all the snares will be in one track, hihats in the next etc etc
Great way of doing a bit of global editing ie if the bass drums too loud, just adust the velocity of the track instead of individually editing every bass drum note.

I've mainly been using Powertracks as an editing tool for styles,( I mainly play my keyboards in realtime,) but now with the real drum function & PT's Jukebox function, I'll probably get more involved with using midifiles & maybe even mp3's.

I'm running mine with the Ketron SD2 sound module/ laptop.
I'm hoping to use some of my SD1's Live Drum midi loops (from the sd styles) & use them as a substitute for midi drum tracks in midifiles,for genres that the Real Drums don't cover at the moment.

The sd1+ & sd2 Live Drums aren't 100% identical, but with a bit of tweaking, the Sd2 should be able to play them back ok.
The splitting of midi drum tracks will come in handy for this.

Check out the demo's of the "Real Drums" http://www.pgmusic.com/realdrums4.htm http://www.pgmusic.com/powertracks.htm

best wishes
Originally posted by Dnj:
Hi Rikki ...I really enjoy using PT11....I will look into Pt12 soon also.....what are the highlights?
best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022