Don't take that personal Synth, nothing to do with being "new"..happens all the time...topics tend to evolve that seems to be part of the process. Sometimes some of us drift away a bit ( or a lot ) and then we drift back. I know that am guilty at times, but I also know that discussing a board itself for me is only part of the picture..there is so much more that goes into the experience of playing or creating music for me...a board, whether it be an arranger workstation, sampler, or even another instrument ..such as my guitar, is merely a tool for painting my musical picture...Some tools just suit me better than others. I think that this forum in particular is the best vehicle that I have found for sharing info and learning stuff.

I DO understand the sound thing too..I knew right away I didnt like the PSR sounds as much as the ones on the PA80..but I saw some features that I liked and bought the board for it's assets in spite of some of its limitations.

SK.. I like the dance styles on the PA80 too...pretty cool stuff to start with and a lot I can do to modify the styles..its good synth sounds are a big help too

"Korg" AJ

[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 01-24-2002).]