I only wish I had the luxury of keeping a Clavinova in my living room! I would have to learn new technique though, as I have always played the light-touch organ-type keys.
I did have a Roland G800 once, and the heavy keys left my fingers cramped and aching after a few 4-hour jobs. I also found it more difficult to emulate the various instruments.
Also, one of my top priorities is portability. The entertainment business has changed a lot in the past few years. The sit-down jobs are much fewer. I find myself doing 5 to 8 or more jobs a week, and often moving between each one.
It seems Yamaha is WAY ahead of the pack in the weight department. The PSR3000 is very light, as is the Tyros. After toting the G800, Solton X1 and PSR8000 around, the new generation of Yamahas is pure pleasure to carry!
I am toying with the idea of trying a light-weight controller and the new Ketron Midjay. Maybe after the holiday season is over I'll have a chance to experiment.
We each must determine which is the best board for our own needs.
Anyway, I didn't mean to be confrontational, I just wanted to mention other options.