Melinda Doolittle
Age: 29
Hometown: Brentwood, TN
Song: Peggy Lee's 'I'm A Woman'
Grade: A

Can we just call it a season and bequeath the crown to this jewel? From her 'For Once In My Life' audition to last week's classic 'My Funny Valentine,' no one in memory has been so consistently magical. Her voice as big as a Macy's parade, her tone pure ecstasy and her unique phrasing enchantingly original, she's such a paradigm you wonder where she's been your whole life. She displayed a brassy, vampy moxie tonight that just embellishes another color to her rainbow glow. To paraphrase Simon's appraisal of Tamyra from season 1: if she doesn't win this whole damned thing there should be rioting in the streets.

Prediction: Well, duh! more
