I recently had a play with a Yamaha YDP 223 (in CostCo Glasgow UK!!). I thought the keyboard action was very good (Graded Hammer action) and compared well with some recent "real" pianos I've played (but they were all uprights...). Sounded OK too, but without headphones I don't think I was in the best audition environment!

I would really like to see what the triple sample Yamaha digital piano's sounds like (e.g. the P250) for comparison, although I'm really looking for something to use at home rather than use on stage.

There's a fella I know who evangelises about Korg digital pianos, and he's no idiot, but I think I prefer the Yamaha keyboard action. There's little in it. Personal choice time - we are in the dreaded "try them all and see what you think" zone here!
John Allcock