Thanks for all of the great responses.

Tony & Gary,
I am presently using a Shure SM-58 mic.

A long time ago I used a digitech and never seem to be able to get it to work properly. (I am sure that they have made many improvements since the one I purchased was many years ago I still have it if anyone would like to purchase it for $50/plus shipping it didn't work for me, but if someone wants one just for home use it probably would be Ok.)
Perhaps, I would be better off to replace me rather than the mic. My wife seems to think that this would be good solution LOL


I will try using your setting and see what happens. I'll let you know within the next day or so


Where's is Don Rich located and what is his price.


As stated above I have the same mic as you.


Will try that setting as soon as I'm able to get my k/b home and set up. Presently, it is on the job and there is no good time for trying because people are constantly in this resturant and it would be very annoying to them for me to test.


The TC Helicon is the one I keep hearing about, so I am definitely considering if I can't get the Tyros Harmonizer to work to my satifaction.


Thanks for address on the Voncken workshop and the translation. I will take a look at it latter this eveing.

Again, thanks for all of the great responses. I'll let you all know how I make out in the next couple of days.


PS What is the best price anyone was able to find on the TC Helicon and where did you purchase? Is the best model for what I am doing probably the "Voice Live"? Thanks again.