
Your question is a valid one. Everybody has the first time in dealing with new stuff. You just have to make sure the transmit channel of your 88-key controller/synthesizer and the receive channel of your left hand (lower) of your arranger are set up with the same channel numbers to make things work as you desired. Most top-of-the-line arrangers have two sets of MIDI ins, usually one is for GM playback, and the other is for connection with external controller/keyboard (like in your case). You may have to look up your user's manual or MIDI setup screen of you keyboard to find out the details.

Roland A90EX is a decent controller, but with a little more dollars, the XV-88 gives you much more, newer and better (arguable for some people) sounds with tons of expansion possibilities. That's while I did not mention Roland A90EX at first since I think XV-88 has better value. As for keyboard action, I like Yamaha S80's better than Roland A90EX, Roland XV-88's action is in between (Roland's weighted action seem a little more sluggish - slower in response, than the Yamaha's, just my personal taste). Yamaha P-80's action is even better, but it lacks controllers features that you need in your setup.

Paul Ip
from Texas