I, too, endorse the iPOD. With iTunes, you can rip any CD and add the songs to your iTunes collection. You decide whether to convert the song to the proprietary Apple format or to convert it using the standard MP3 format. The Apple format provides the same sound quality as MP3, but in a smaller file size. If you download an MP3 from anywhere, you can easily import it into your iTunes library, as an MP3 file. If you purchase a song from the iTunes store, it will be downloaded in Apple's format. Of course, you can then use your purchased songs to make a CD -- a good backup process. And, if you want, simply rip that CD and import them as standard MP3 files. You can put your purchased songs on up to 5 computers. You can make 7 CDs of a purchased CD or songs. But if you mix the songs up, you can make as many CDs as you want. I currently have almost 9,000 songs on my iPOD, which conveniently fits in my shirt pocket. I can play it anywhere, including through my car stereo. I mostly like to listen, via the ear buds, at night before I fall asleep when there are no other distractions and one can really "listen" to the music without the noise disturbing anyone else. One final point, I'm getting along in age and my eyes aren't what they used to be -- and I have fat fingers! Other MP3 players have VERY SMALL text and controls and were much harder to use than the iPods, but they are a lot cheaper.

[This message has been edited by Joe Waters (edited 02-08-2007).]

[This message has been edited by Joe Waters (edited 02-08-2007).]
Joe Waters