Am all settled down in Laos now. Great weather...43~45 Celsius and up. Friday will be the hottest day of the month! Makes sense since April and May are the hottest months of the year in these parts.

Mapanoy's doing great. Handsome little bugger's quite popular with the ladies. Ah! To be a baby again!

Many thanks for all those that wished my family and myself well. As always, it's appreciated.

Very special thanks to Captain Russ for sponsoring a novice's (a novice in Laos is someone not yet 20 years of age so therefore isn't yet a monk but that's about the only difference...he still looks and dresses like a monk) education. I'm sponsoring two myself and hope to increase that number in the near future. I'm also helping out with traveling expenses and such since novices and monks aren't allowed to earn money. It's not that I'm rich or well-to-do but it's a privilege to help wherever and whenever I can. My motto is that "if you don't share you have nothing."

Special thanks also to Richard, Squeak, Fran, Zuki, Scott Langholff and Zmago. It's always great to hear from you guys, be it on chat or email.


Khoi huk ngam sud tee huk kon diow.
最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。