trtjazz is exactly right in this respect... and yes it also happens on the PA60... and as for the break key, why is it even there? its probably the most useless thing on the board. Back to the fill ins issue, something i find very annoying also is when you press fill in early so that it gets ready to come in time, it actually fills in at the wrong point, then when you change variation, even though you pressed the fill in button it does not even carry the fill in 100% unless you press the variation LATE in which could disturb your accuracy in playing because your worrying to much about getting the fill ins right... On the bright note though, i like the idea where if you press fill in 2 times in succession, it fills on all the time in loops which sounds nice, say for example your playing IN THE AIR TONIGHT by Phil Collins, the song actually has multiple fill ins and you dont have to worry about continually pressing it... Same with Intros... so with the bad does come good....